Members of the Council who are not ex officio members are appointed under the following conditions:
1° Representatives of the territorial assembly and traditional chiefs are appointed under conditions defined by the assembly and the chieftaincy;
2° The representatives of the Medical Commission are elected from among its members by this Commission, by secret uninominal ballot and by an absolute majority; if this majority is not reached in the first round, a second round is organised; a relative majority is sufficient for the second round; in the event of a tie, the oldest candidate is elected;
3° The staff representatives referred to in 5° of Article D. 6431-1 are elected by and from among the members of the Agency Committee representing the colleges referred to in Article D. 6431-23, by secret uninominal ballot and by an absolute majority; if this majority is not achieved in the first round, a second round is organised; a relative majority is sufficient in the second round; in the event of a tie, the oldest member is elected;
4° The qualified personality is appointed by the Ministers for Overseas Territories and Health on the recommendation of the Territory’s Senior Administrator;
5° The users’ representative is appointed by the Ministers for Overseas Territories and Health on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer of the Territory from persons nominated by organisations representing the interests of patients, consumers, families, the elderly and the disabled in the Territory.