Within the framework of the legislative and regulatory texts or interministerial agreements in force:
1°The national police and the national gendarmerie shall endeavour to organise and implement the convergence of their central criminal documentation systems.
Police services and gendarmerie units shall send information relating to delinquency and crime likely to be exploited for the purposes of centralisation, classification or dissemination (notices, sheets, statistics) to the services reporting to the national directorate of the judicial police or the national directorate of the border police or the sub-directorate of the judicial police of the general directorate of the national gendarmerie.
The National Directorate of the Judicial Police, the National Directorate of the Border Police and the Sub-Directorate of the Judicial Police of the General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie shall transmit to the other services of the National Police and Gendarmerie, by any means, any information useful in identifying or searching for criminals. The police service or gendarmerie unit that initiates a request for dissemination must be included among the authorities to be notified as soon as the wanted individuals are discovered.
2° The national police services and national gendarmerie units shall inform the central judicial police offices and international police cooperation bodies listed in Articles D. 8-1 et D. 8-2.
These departments are responsible for centralising, coordinating and disseminating information to police forces and gendarmerie units nationwide in matters falling within their respective remits.