These accommodations may relate to :
a) The conditions under which the tests are held, to enable candidates to benefit from the material conditions, technical aids or human assistance appropriate to their situation;
b) An increase in the time allowed for one or more tests, which may not exceed one third of the time normally allowed for each of them, unless requested by the doctor on the grounds of the candidate’s exceptional situation and set out in the notice referred to in the eighth paragraph of this article;
c) The retention, at the candidate’s choice, for a period of five years, of the non-eliminatory marks obtained;
d) The spread over several sessions of the taking of the tests.
Candidates wishing to benefit from these provisions should send their request to one of the doctors appointed by the commission mentioned in article L. 146-9 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles for tests taking place in mainland France, the overseas departments, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Martin or Saint-Barthélemy, or appointed by the State representative for tests taking place in Mayotte, New Caledonia or Wallis and Futuna.
The doctor issues an opinion, which is sent to the candidate and the chair of the selection board, in which he or she suggests accommodation. The chairman of the selection board decides on the accommodation granted and notifies the candidate of his decision.
The chairman of the selection board will ensure that the premises provided for the tests are accessible to the disabled and that any authorised adjustments are made for the candidate.