The use for therapeutic purposes of organs or tissues of animal origin which are neither medical devices nor intended for medicinal products is only authorised in the context of research involving the human person subject to the provisions of this Title. The research referred to in 1° of Article L. 1121-1 concerning the therapeutic use of such organs or tissues in human beings may only be carried out after express authorisation from the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) following an opinion from the Agence de la biomédecine (French Biomedicine Agency). The authorisation may be subject to specific conditions, in particular relating to the long-term monitoring of patients. The deadline for the competent authority to give its authorisation and for the Personal Data Protection Committee to give its opinion is set by regulation.
Rules of good practice relating to the removal, preservation, processing, transport and use of animal organs, tissues and cells shall be defined by decision of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) after obtaining the opinion of the Agence de la biomédecine (French Biomedicine Agency).
Decisions taken by the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé after consultation with the Agence de la biomédecine and the Agence nationale chargée de la sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail set out :
1° The rules of good practice relating to the selection, production and breeding of animals ;
2° The health conditions that must be met by the animals from which the organs, tissues and cells used come;
3° The rules for identifying these animals, organs, tissues and cells in order to ensure the traceability of the products obtained.