I.-Provided that they continue to be used for the public sports service and that the beneficiary local authorities draw up a project for the establishment, full ownership of the following is transferred:
1° State property made available to the mixed syndicate “Centre du sport et de la jeunesse de Corse” to the territorial collectivity of Corsica ;
2° State property made available to the association “Centre sportif de Normandie” to the Basse-Normandie region;
3° State property made available to the “Campus de l’excellence sportive de Bretagne” public interest group to the Brittany region.
The assets transferred are identified by joint order of the ministers responsible for sport and property. The order indicates the value of the state-owned buildings as estimated by the administration in charge of the estates.
Ownership is transferred on the date of signature of the deed recording the transfer. The local authority benefiting from the transfer is substituted for the State in terms of the rights and obligations associated with the property it receives as it stands.
II-These transfers of ownership are free of charge and do not give rise to the payment of any duties or fees, any compensation or tax, or the contribution provided for in article 879 of the General Tax Code for the benefit of State employees.
III – In the event that the property transferred to the public sports service is no longer used before the end of the twenty-year period from the date of transfer, the State may agree with the local authority to return the property to the State. Failing this, the local authority will pay the State a sum corresponding to the market value of the property as determined by the administration in charge of the public domain.
If the decommissioning of the assets is justified by the creation of another structure dedicated exclusively to the public sports service of at least equivalent size, replacing the assets transferred, the first paragraph of this III does not apply. In this case, the allocation of the new structure to the public sports service is maintained until the end of the twenty-year period mentioned in the same first paragraph. Failing this, the local authority shall pay the State the sum corresponding to the market value of the assets as determined by the administration responsible for the property.