Taxpayers pay the tax to the accounting agent of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée in monthly or quarterly instalments according to the frequency of their value added tax return. These monthly or quarterly instalments are at least equal, respectively, to one twelfth or one quarter of the amount of tax due for the previous calendar year.
Taxpayers who consider that the instalments already paid for the year reach the amount of tax for which they will ultimately be liable may, after informing the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, defer payment of the following instalments. If the amount of the tax is more than 20% higher than the amount of the advance payments made, the surcharge and interest for late payment mentioned in article L. 115-24 are applicable.
Taxpayers shall settle the tax due in respect of the previous calendar year within the same timeframe as that applicable to the value added tax return for the month of March or the first quarter of the calendar year. They pay any additional tax due to the accounting agent of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée.
The tax is paid by bank transfer or electronic payment.