In the event of the death of the insured or the alienation of the insured object, the insurance shall continue ipso jure in favour of the heir or purchaser, on condition that the latter fulfils all the obligations which the insured had towards the insurer under the contract.
However, either the insurer or the heir or purchaser may cancel the contract. The Insurer may terminate the contract within three months of the date on which the definitive assignee of the insured objects requests the transfer of the policy to his name.
In the event of the alienation of the insured object, the alienator shall remain liable to the insurer for the payment of premiums due, but he shall be released, even as guarantor of premiums due, from the moment he informs the insurer of the alienation by letter, any other durable medium or the means provided for in article L. 113-14.
Where there are several heirs or purchasers, if the insurance continues, they are jointly and severally liable for payment of the premiums.
No provision may be made for the payment of compensation to the insurer in the above cases of cancellation.
The provisions of this article do not apply in the event of the alienation of a land motor vehicle.