Insurance contracts covering fire damage or any other damage to property located in France, as well as damage to the bodies of motorised land vehicles, entitle the insured party to cover against the effects of wind due to storms, hurricanes and cyclones, on property covered by such contracts, except in respect of the effects of wind due to a cyclonic event for which the maximum surface winds recorded or estimated over the area affected have reached or exceeded 145 km/ h averaged over ten minutes or 215 km/ h in gusts, which are covered by the provisions of articles L. 125-1 et seq. of this code.
For insurance contracts covering fire damage caused to property other than that used exclusively for personal use, the conditions of cover against the effects of wind caused by storms, hurricanes and cyclones are determined according to the use and nature of the property. Compensation under this cover is awarded to insured persons taking into account the deductible limits, the ceiling and the obsolescence as contractually agreed, which may be different from those provided for under fire cover.
Contracts covering fire damage to unharvested crops, crops and livestock outside buildings are excluded.
Contracts covering fire damage to standing timber are also excluded.
In addition, if the insured is covered against business interruption, this cover is extended to the effects of storms, hurricanes or cyclones, under the conditions of the corresponding contract.