Natural persons and legal entities whose activity consists of the manufacture of dishes for consumption on the premises may apply at the time of their registration to be registered as a business in the trades and crafts sector. In this case, the validations and checks provided for in articles L. 123-43 to L. 123-45 are fulfilled and the business, if it satisfies them, comes under the trades and crafts sector pursuant to the first paragraph of I of article 19 of law no. 96-603 of 5 July 1996 relating to the development and promotion of trade and crafts.
The natural persons and legal entities mentioned in the third paragraph of I of article 19 of the aforementioned law no. 96-603 of 5 July 1996 may request to no longer be registered as a company in the trades and crafts sector. In this case, they cease to be subject to the validations and checks provided for in articles L. 123-43 to L. 123-45.
The natural persons and legal entities mentioned in the fourth paragraph of I of article 19 of law no. 96-603 of 5 July 1996 may apply to be registered as a company in the trades and crafts sector. In this case, they are subject to the validations and checks provided for in articles L. 123-43 to L. 123-45.