Article L121-1 of the French Commercial code
Traders are those who carry out commercial acts and make it their usual profession.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Legislative part | BOOK I: Commerce in general. | TITLE II: Traders.
Traders are those who carry out commercial acts and make it their usual profession.
An emancipated minor may become a trader with the authorisation of the guardianship judge at the time of the emancipation decision and of the president of the judicial court if he makes this request after having been emancipated.
The spouse of a trader is only deemed to be a trader himself if he carries on a commercial activity separate from that of his spouse.
I. – The spouse of the head of a craft, commercial or liberal profession business who regularly carries out a professional activity therein opts for one of the following statuses: 1° Collaborating spouse; 2° Salaried spouse; 3° Associate spouse. II. – As far as companies are concerned, the status of collaborating spouse is only authorised for the spouse of the sole managing partner or majority managing partner of a limited…
A person whose business is listed as belonging to the trade and craft sector in the national register of companies or a trader may not, without the express consent of his spouse, where the latter participates in his professional activity as a spouse working in the business, alienate or encumber with real rights the elements of the business or craft business belonging to the community, which, by their size or…
The collaborating spouse, when mentioned in the register of commerce and companies or, for a business in the trades and crafts sector, in the national register of businesses, is deemed to have received a mandate from the head of the business to carry out, on the latter’s behalf, administrative acts concerning the needs of the business. By declaration made before a notary, under penalty of nullity, each spouse has the…
In dealings with third parties, acts of management and administration performed for the needs of the business by the collaborating spouse are deemed to be performed on behalf of the head of the business and do not entail any personal obligation for the collaborating spouse.
This section also applies to persons who are linked to the company director by a civil solidarity pact or who are cohabiting with the company director. .
I.-A register of commerce and companies shall be kept in which the following shall be registered, upon their declaration: 1° Natural persons having the status of traders, even if they are required to be registered in the national register of companies; 2° Companies and economic interest groupings having their registered office in a French department and enjoying legal personality in accordance with article 1842 of the Civil Code or to…
No person may be entered in the register unless he fulfils the conditions necessary for the exercise of his activity. Legal entities must also have completed the formalities prescribed by the laws and regulations in force concerning them.
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