A national register of companies is kept, in which companies carrying out a commercial, craft, agricultural or self-employed activity on French territory are registered.
The following are thus registered, on their declarations:
1° The persons mentioned in 1° to 6° of I of article L. 123-1 ;
2° The commercial agents referred to in article L. 134-1;
3° Persons in the trades and crafts sector mentioned in the article 19 de la loi n° 96-603 du 5 juillet 1996 relative au développement et à la promotion du commerce et de l’artisanat ;
4° Les personnes exerçant une activité agricole au sens de l’article L. 311-1 du code rural et de la pêche maritime;
5° Natural persons, other than those mentioned in 1° to 4° above, established in France and carrying on a regular and professional economic activity, including a liberal activity subject to legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected;
6° Foreign companies without a permanent establishment in France.