In order to combat fraud, prevent the commission of the offences provided for in the articles 434-40-1 du code pénal et L. 654-15 of this code and to promote the enforcement of management ban measures handed down by the judicial courts, the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce is authorised to implement an automated national file of those banned from managing.
Maintaining this file is a public service mission performed by the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce at its own expense and under its own responsibility.
Registered in this file are personal bankruptcies and other measures prohibiting the directing, managing, administering or controlling, directly or indirectly, of a commercial, industrial or craft business, a farm, a business with any other independent activity or a legal entity pronounced as a civil or commercial sanction or as a penalty and resulting from court decisions that have become res judicata. Disciplinary sanctions shall not be entered.
The file shall mention the judgment or ruling pronouncing the measure.
This file shall be governed by this chapter and by law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.