The collective agreement referred to in article L. 1233-24-1 concerns the content of the job protection plan referred to in articles L. 1233-61 to L. 1233-63.
It may also cover :
1° The procedures for informing and consulting the social and economic committee, in particular the conditions under which these procedures may be adjusted in the event of a project to transfer one or more economic entities as provided for inarticle L. 1233-61, necessary to safeguard some of the jobs ;
2° The weighting and scope of application of the criteria for ordering redundancies mentioned in article L. 1233-5 ;
3° The timetable for redundancies;
4° The number of job losses and the professional categories concerned;
5° The procedures for implementing the training, adaptation and redeployment measures provided for in article L. 1233-4.