In the event of the dissolution of a société coopérative or union governed by the provisions of this chapter and subject to the provisions of the following paragraphs of this article, the net surplus of the assets over the capital is devolved either to other sociétés coopératives or unions de coopératives, or to works of general or professional interest.
However, a société coopérative or a union may be authorised by order of the Minister responsible for the economy and finance, issued after consultation with the Conseil supérieur de la coopération, to distribute the net surplus of the assets to its members. This distribution may not include the portion of the net surplus resulting from aid granted directly or indirectly to the company or association by the State or a public authority. This share must be repaid in accordance with the conditions set out in the authorisation order.
The distribution of the net asset surplus among the members is automatic when the cooperative society carries out the activities referred to in 2° of Article L. 124-1.