In a cooperative incorporated as a société anonyme, the directors or the members of the management board and the supervisory board are natural persons who are either partners in their own right, or the chairman of the board of directors, general manager, member of the management board or manager of a company which is itself a partner.
The duties of the members of the Board of Directors or the members of the Supervisory Board are free of charge and entitle them only to the reimbursement, upon justification, of expenses and, where applicable, to the payment of an indemnity to compensate for the time and work devoted to the administration of the cooperative.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors or the members of the Management Board as well as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board may receive remuneration. However, they may only be remunerated on a pro rata basis for transactions carried out or surpluses achieved if this method of remuneration is provided for in the articles of association. These specify the body authorised to set the maximum annual remuneration for a period not exceeding five years.
Decisions taken to implement the previous paragraph are ratified by the Annual General Meeting following the date on which they are made.
The Supervisory Board may also be remunerated for the performance of its duties.