By way of derogation from the provisions of Articles L. 1251-12 and L. 1251-12-1 relating to the maximum duration of the assignment contract, when a temporary employee is exposed to ionising radiation and when, at the end of his assignment contract, this exposure exceeds the annual limit value for the duration of the contract, the temporary employment undertaking shall offer him, under the conditions provided for in the second paragraph ofArticle L. 1251-26, one or more contracts taking effect within a maximum of three working days after the expiry of the previous contract, for a duration such that the exposure recorded at the end of the new contract or contracts is at most equal to the annual limit value for the duration of the contract.1251-26, one or more contracts taking effect within a maximum of three working days after the expiry of the previous contract, for a duration such that the exposure recorded at the expiry of the new contract or contracts is at most equal to the annual limit value in relation to the total duration of the contracts.