Decrees determine the terms and conditions of use and operation of the universal employment-service voucher, in particular :
1° Those relating to the collection and reimbursement of universal employment-service vouchers and to the obligations of control, verification and vigilance of the bodies and establishments issuing those which have the nature of a special payment voucher ;
2° Those relating to pre-financed universal employment-service vouchers for the remuneration of persons or payment for services mentioned in article L. 421-1 du code de l’action sociale et des familles and the first two paragraphs of article L. 2324-1 du code de la santé publique ;
3° Celles relatives aux chèques emploi-service universels préfinancés pour la rémunération de personnes mentionnées au 2° de l’article L. 722-20 du code rural et de la pêche maritime employées par des particuliers pour la mise en état et l’entretien de jardins ;
4° Those relating to exchanges of information between the authorised collection body and the bodies or establishments mentioned in article L. 1271-10;
5° Those relating to the operation of the account provided for in article L. 1271-11.