I. – Approval may be granted by the Minister responsible for sport, under conditions defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, for a renewable period of eight years, to federations which, with a view to participating in the performance of a public service mission, have adopted articles of association containing certain mandatory provisions and disciplinary regulations in accordance with a standard set of rules and have signed the contract of republican commitment mentioned in article 10-1 of law no. 2000-321 of 12 April 2000 on the rights of citizens in their relations with administrations. The issue or renewal of approval is also subject to the federation’s ability to participate in the implementation of public sports policy. This capacity is assessed at the discretion of the Minister responsible for sport.
The Republican Commitment Contract includes the commitment, for approved federations, under conditions determined by a decree of the Council of State issued after consultation with the French National Olympic and Sports Committee:
1° To ensure the protection of the physical and moral integrity of individuals, in particular minors, with regard, in particular, to gender-based and sexual violence;
2° Participating in the promotion and dissemination of the principles of the Republican Commitment Contract to the players and public of their sport and organising specific training for those involved in sport so that they have the skills to better detect, report and prevent behaviour that contravenes these principles.
The mandatory provisions of the articles of association and the standard disciplinary regulations are defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat after consultation with the French National Olympic and Sports Committee.
II. – The articles of association mentioned in I of this article promote parity in the federation’s governing bodies, under the conditions set out in this II.
1. The Articles of Association shall lay down the conditions under which it is guaranteed that, in the Federation’s governing bodies, the difference between the number of men and the number of women is no greater than one.
2. The Articles of Association shall lay down the conditions to ensure that the difference between the number of men and women on the governing bodies of regional bodies is no greater than one.
3. The proportion of licence-holders of each sex is assessed at national level, irrespective of age or any other condition of eligibility for membership of the governing bodies.
IIa. – The articles of association referred to in I also lay down the conditions under which the federation’s governing bodies decide, within two months of the election of its president, on the principle and amount of the allowances allocated to the president for the performance of his duties.
II ter. – The articles of association referred to in I of this article stipulate that the number of full terms of office held by any one chairman may not exceed three. This limit also applies to the chairmen of the regional bodies of the federations mentioned in this article.
III. – Sports federations are recognised as charitable establishments when they have obtained the approval referred to in the first paragraph and benefit from the advantages associated with recognition as charitable establishments.