The publishing contract guarantees the author fair and equitable remuneration on all revenue from the marketing and distribution of a book published in digital form.
In the case of single sales, the author’s proportional share of the revenue is calculated on the basis of the retail price excluding tax.
In cases where the economic model implemented by the publisher for the exploitation of the edition in digital form is based in whole or in part on advertising or on any other revenue indirectly linked to the book, remuneration is due to the author in this respect.
In cases where a lump sum is used, it may not be paid to the author in return for the transfer of all of his exploitation rights in digital form and for all modes of digital exploitation of the book. In the case of contributions of an ancillary or non-essential nature mentioned in 4° of Article L. 131-4, such an assignment is possible.
A flat-rate fee can only be justified for a specific transaction and any new transaction allowing the use of a flat-rate fee is accompanied by its renegotiation.