With regard to bookshop publishing, the author’s remuneration may be subject to flat-rate remuneration for the first edition, with the author’s formally expressed agreement, in the following cases:
1° Scientific or technical works;
2° Anthologies and encyclopaedias;
3° Prefaces, annotations, introductions, presentations;
4° Illustrations for a work ;
5° Limited edition luxury editions;
6° Prayer books;
7° At the request of the translator for translations;
8° Cheap popular editions;
9° Cheap children’s albums.
A flat-rate remuneration may also be paid for the transfer of rights to or by a person or company established abroad.
With regard to works of the mind published in newspapers and periodical collections of all kinds and by press agencies, the remuneration of the author, bound to the information company by a contract for the hire of work or services, may also be fixed on a flat-rate basis.