I.-Water intended for human consumption is clean and wholesome water which, on its own, is suitable for drinking, food preparation and cooking, personal hygiene, general hygiene and cleanliness, other domestic uses in public and private places, as well as for the preparation of foodstuffs and goods intended for human consumption in food businesses.
Water is considered clean and wholesome when it meets the requirements set by the decree provided for in article L. 1321-10.
Any person who makes water intended for human consumption available to the public, whether in return for payment or free of charge and in any form whatsoever, including in the form of ice cream, is required to ensure that this water is clean and wholesome.
II.-Water unfit for human consumption may be used if it is compatible with public health protection requirements and authorised:
1° Under article L. 1322-14 for certain domestic uses or in the food businesses mentioned in the first paragraph;
2° Under articles L. 1332-1 to L. 1332-9 for swimming pools and bathing establishments;
3° Under articles L. 1335-3 to L. 1335-5 for installations generating water aerosols;
4° Under 2° and 3° of article L. 211-9 of the Environment Code;
5° For industrial uses in installations falling under the nomenclature provided for by articles L. 214-2 and L. 511-2 of the same code.