On expiry of a period of four years from the date of entry into force of law no. 2004-806 of 9 August 2004 on public health policy, the report referred to in article L. 1334-5 is attached to any new rental contract for a building used wholly or partly for residential purposes and built before 1 January 1949. If such a report establishes the absence of lead-containing coverings or the presence of coverings containing lead in concentrations below the thresholds defined by order of the ministers responsible for health and construction, there is no need to have a new report drawn up for each new rental contract. The initial report will be attached to each tenancy agreement.
When the rental contract concerns a dwelling located in a building or in a complex of buildings covered by the provisions of the aforementioned law no. 65-557 of 10 July 1965, or belonging to holders of real property rights over the premises, or to holders of shares which may or may not give right to the allocation or enjoyment of ownership of the premises, the obligation mentioned in the first paragraph only concerns the private parts of the said building allocated to the dwelling.
Failure to include the aforementioned report in the rental contract constitutes a breach of the specific obligations of safety and care, which may render the lessor criminally liable.
Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the aforementioned report is the responsibility of the lessor.