The following may hold accounts with the Banque de France:
1. The organisations defined in article L. 511-1;
2. The French Treasury, the Institut d’émission des départements d’outre-mer, the Institut d’émission d’outre-mer and the Caisse des dépôts et consignations;
3. Investment services providers governed by Title III of Book V;
4. Foreign central banks and foreign credit institutions;
5. International financial bodies and international organisations;
6. Under the conditions set by the General Council, Banque de France employees and any other person holding customer accounts at the Banque de France on 6 August 1993;
7. Any other body or person expressly authorised by decision of the General Council to open an account with the Banque de France;
8. Payment institutions governed by Chapter II of Title II of Book V;
9. Electronic money institutions governed by Chapter VI of Title II of Book V.