The terms and conditions for the application of this section shall be laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, which shall specify in particular:
1° The conditions under which the National Public Health Agency or, where applicable, other members of the national public health network have access to information covered by medical confidentiality, professional confidentiality or business confidentiality. This decree specifies the conditions under which the confidentiality with regard to third parties of individual data and information covered by these secrets and transmitted to the National Public Health Agency pursuant to Articles L. 1413-6, L. 1413-7 and L. 1413-8 or, where applicable, to other members of the national public health network pursuant to Articles L. 1413-6 or L. 1413-8 is preserved, under the conditions provided for by the Law of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms;
2° The status of the agency and the State control to which it is subject, as set out in article L. 1413-12.