The notice referred to in article L. 141-4 indicates that the contract taken out is a supplementary occupational pension contract covered by this section. An order of the Minister for the Economy sets the list of minimum information contained in this notice.
When their rights are settled, the supplementary occupational pension fund informs each member and beneficiary, under conditions defined by order of the Minister for the Economy, of the amount of benefits due to them and the corresponding payment options.
At least every three years, the supplementary occupational pension fund draws up and revises, for the operations covered by this section as a whole, a report setting out its investment policy and the corresponding technical and financial risks. It shall also specify the methods used to assess investment risks, the risk management techniques implemented and the strategic allocation of assets with regard to the nature and duration of the pension commitments, as well as the manner in which the investment policy takes into account environmental, social and governance factors. This report is updated within three months of any major change to the investment policy. It is made available to subscribers and beneficiaries. An order of the Minister for the Economy specifies the content of the report and the other information that must be provided to members on request or periodically.
As soon as an event gives rise to a significant change in the technical provisions, the supplementary professional retirement fund informs the members in writing.