I.-The regional health plan :
1° Indicates, with due respect for freedom of establishment, the need for facilities to provide the primary care referred to in article L. 1411-11 and the secondary care referred to in article L. 1411-12. The provisions it contains in this respect are not enforceable against self-employed health professionals;
2° Fixes, for each zone defined in a of 2° of Article L. 1434-9 :
a) The quantitative and qualitative objectives for the supply of care, specified by care activity and by heavy equipment, in accordance with the procedures defined by decree ;
b) The creation and elimination of healthcare activities and heavy equipment;
c) Transformations, groupings and co-operations between healthcare establishments;
3° Sets the quantitative and qualitative targets for the supply of medico-social establishments and services mentioned in b, d and f of article L. 313-3 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles, on the basis of an assessment of social and medico-social needs, as provided for in 2° of article L. 1434-2 of this Code;
4° Defines the range of medical biology examinations referred to in Article L. 6222-2, based on the needs of the population;
5° Includes, where appropriate, a section devoted to the implementation of measures to raise awareness among the population and to train healthcare professionals in order to limit possible contamination by vector-borne diseases;
6° Includes, where appropriate, a section devoted to the specific health needs of people living in mountain areas, particularly in terms of access to emergency care and evacuation of the injured, taking into account the specific geographical, demographic and seasonal characteristics of these areas;
7° Includes, where applicable, a section devoted to the implementation of international health cooperation agreements applicable in the territories and local authorities mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 1434-2, which relates in particular to the organisation of continuity of care, access to emergency care and coordination in the event of a health crisis, in accordance with the remit of the representative of the State with territorial jurisdiction and the Director General of the Regional Health Agency.
II – Authorisations granted by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency are compatible with the objectives set in application of 2° and 3° of I of this article. This principle is implemented, in the case of the establishments and services mentioned in 3° of the same I, in accordance withArticle L. 312-4 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles and in compliance with the conditions set out in Articles L. 313-4, L. 313-8 and L. 313-9 of the same code.
III – For the establishments and services mentioned in 6°, 7° and 12° of I of article L. 312-1 of the French Social Action and Family Code, this regional health plan is drawn up and updated in accordance with the departmental social and medico-social organisation plans for disabled people or people with loss of autonomy, drawn up by the presidents of the departmental councils in the region and mentioned in article L. 312-5 of the same code.
IV – The facilities and activities mentioned in the order provided for in II of article L. 6147-7 are included in the regional health plans concerned. Amendments to this order entail amendments to the regional health plan concerned.
The regional health plan is drawn up and updated in accordance with the protocol provided for in article L. 6147-11.
It takes into account, where they exist :
1° The specific needs of defence ;
2° The other contributions of the Armed Forces Medical Corps to health policy, in particular those of its medical centres mentioned in article L. 6326-1;
3° Subject to the fulfilment of its priority mission mentioned in article L. 6147-7 and the agreement of the Minister of Defence, the resources that may be implemented by the Armed Forces Medical Corps as part of the preparation of the healthcare system for exceptional health situations and the organisation of the healthcare system’s response in the event of an exceptional health situation;
4° Cooperation between elements of the armed forces health service and the players in the health system mentioned in I of article L. 6147-10.