I.-The public interest group mentioned in article L. 1462-1 may recruit staff under private law contracts. It may also employ permanent staff from the three public services on secondment or secondment and employ or recruit non-permanent public-sector staff on fixed-term or open-ended contracts.
II.-The public interest grouping is subject to the rules applicable to industrial and commercial companies in terms of financial management and accounting. Notwithstanding these rules, it may deposit funds with the Treasury. It may collect revenue corresponding to services invoiced to third parties in application of 6° of Article L. 1462-1.
The public interest grouping is not subject toArticle 64 of Law no. 2007-1822 of 24 December 2007 on the finances for 2008.
The public interest grouping is subject to economic and financial control by the State under conditions set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat and adapted to its missions and operating conditions.