For the application in Mayotte of article L. 1225-62:
a) The words: “within the meaning of article L. 513-1 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “within the meaning of the first paragraph of article 6 of order no. 2002-149 of 7 February 2002 relating to the extension and generalisation of family benefits and social protection in the departmental community of Mayotte”;
b) The words: “and fulfilling one of the conditions provided for by article L. 512-3 of the same code” are replaced by the words: “and fulfilling the conditions set out in the first paragraph of article 5 of the same order”;
c) The words: “as defined in the medical certificate referred to in article L. 544-2 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “as defined in a medical certificate drawn up in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree by the Conseil d’Etat”.