The insurance provided for in article L. 211-1 must include cover for civil liability extending to all the territories of the Member States of the European Community as well as to the territories of any third country for which the national bureaux of all the Member States of the European Community individually guarantee the settlement of claims occurring in their territory and caused by the use of vehicles normally based in that third country. When this guarantee is called upon outside French territory, it is granted by the insurer within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the national legislation of the State in whose territory the accident occurred or by that of the State in which the vehicle is normally based when the insurance cover is more favourable there.
This insurance cannot be cancelled, and the premium cannot be changed, on the grounds that the vehicle is staying in a Member State of the European Community other than France during the term of the contract.
This insurance must also include cover for civil liability in the event of an accident occurring during the journey directly between two territories where the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community is applicable, where there is no national insurance office for the territory covered.
In this case, the insurer is only obliged to cover losses suffered by nationals of the States mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, under the conditions laid down by the national legislation on compulsory insurance in force in the State where the vehicle which caused the accident is normally based.