I.-The term of performers’ economic rights is fifty years from 1 January of the calendar year following that of the performance.
However, if, during this period, a fixation of the performance in a videogram or phonogram is made available to the public, by means of material copies, or is communicated to the public, the performer’s economic rights expire:
1° For a performance fixed in a videogram, fifty years after 1 January of the calendar year following the first of these events;
2° For a performance fixed in a phonogram, seventy years after 1 January of the calendar year following the first of these events.
II.-The term of the economic rights of phonogram producers is fifty years from 1 January of the calendar year following that of the first fixation of a sound sequence.
However, if, during this period, a phonogram is made available to the public by means of material copies or is communicated to the public, the economic rights of the phonogram producer expire seventy years after 1 January of the calendar year following the phonogram being made available to the public or, failing this, its first communication to the public. The performer may exercise the right of termination referred to in articles L. 212-3-5 and L. 212-3-6.
III.-The term of the economic rights of videogram producers is fifty years from 1 January of the calendar year following that of the first fixation of a sequence of images, with or without sound.
However, if, during this period, a videogram is made available to the public by means of material copies or is communicated to the public, the economic rights of the videogram producer expire fifty years after 1st January of the calendar year following the first of these events.
IV.-The term of the economic rights of audiovisual communication companies is fifty years from 1 January of the calendar year following that of the first communication to the public of the programmes mentioned in Article L. 216-1.
V.-.The term of the economic rights of press publishers and press agencies is two years from 1 January of the calendar year following that of the first publication of a press publication.