In the context of the childcare facilities for young children mentioned in I of article L. 214-1-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, the professionals taking care of the children may administer medical care or treatment to them, in particular when they are disabled or suffering from chronic illnesses, and at the request of their legal representatives, provided that this administration can be considered as an act of daily life within the meaning of the provisions of article L. 313-26 of the same code, that this care or treatment has been prescribed by a doctor and that the prescribing doctor has not expressly requested the intervention of a medical auxiliary.
In application of 4° of article L. 2111-1 and article L. 2111-2 of this code, as well as article L. 421-17-1 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles, the president of the departmental council organises support for childminders in the implementation of the first paragraph.