Within the framework of the principles defined in article L. 212-6, the commission départementale d’aménagement cinématographique decides on the following two criteria:
1° The potential effect on the cinematographic diversity offered to spectators in the area of cinematographic influence concerned, assessed using the following indicators :
a) The programming project envisaged for the cinema that is the subject of the application for authorisation and, where applicable, compliance with any programming commitments entered into pursuant to articles L. 212-19 and L. 212-20 ;
b) The nature and cultural diversity of the cinematographic offer proposed in the area concerned, taking into account cinema attendance;
c) The situation regarding access for cinematographic works to cinemas and from cinemas to cinematographic works for existing cinematographic establishments;
2° The effect of the project on the cultural development of the area, environmental protection and the quality of town planning, assessed using the following indicators :
a) The geographical location of cinemas in the cinema catchment area and the quality of their facilities;
b) Preservation of cultural activities and respect for the balance of built-up areas;
c) Environmental quality, taking into account the different modes of public transport, the quality of road access and parking facilities;
d) Integration of the project into its environment;
e) The location of the project, particularly with regard to territorial coherence schemes and local town planning schemes.
When an authorisation is based in particular on the cinema programming project, this project is the subject of a cinema programming commitment signed in application of 3° of article L. 212-23.
When the project submitted concerns the extension of an establishment defined in 2°, 3° or 3° bis of article L. 212-7, compliance with the film programming commitment made by the operator of the cinema pursuant to article L. 212-23 is subject to monitoring by the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, which is forwarded to the film development commission responsible for examining the case.