The meeting at which the mayor is elected is chaired by the eldest member of the municipal council.
For any election of the mayor or deputy mayors, the members of the municipal council are convened in the forms and within the time limits laid down in articles L. 2121-10 à L. 2121-12. The notice convening the meeting contains a special mention of the election to be held.
Prior to this notice, any elections that may be necessary when the municipal council is incomplete are held.
If, after the elections, new vacancies occur, the municipal council nevertheless proceeds to elect the mayor and deputy mayors, unless it has lost a third or more of its members or has fewer than five members.
However, when only one deputy is to be elected, the municipal council may decide, on the mayor’s proposal, that this will be done without prior supplementary elections, except in cases where the municipal council has lost one third or more of its legal membership or has fewer than five members.
Where a vacancy in the office of mayor or deputy mayors occurs after 1 January of the year preceding the general renewal of the municipal councils, the elections required before the election of the mayor or deputy mayors shall be held only if the municipal council has lost one third or more of its members or has fewer than four members.