The redemption by the fund of its units and the issue of new units or debt securities may be temporarily suspended by the management company when exceptional circumstances so require and if the interests of investors or the public so dictate, under conditions laid down in the fund rules.
In the same circumstances, when the disposal of certain assets would not be in the interests of investors, the other assets may be transferred to a new specialised finance fund. The split is decided by the management company. This split is declared to the Autorité des marchés financiers without delay. Each investor receives a number of units and, where applicable, debt securities in the new fund equal to that held in the old fund. The former specialised finance fund is wound up as soon as the assets have been transferred. The conditions for the application of this paragraph shall be defined by decree.
The General Regulation of the Autorité des marchés financiers shall determine the other cases in which the fund rules provide, where applicable, for the issue of units or debt securities to be halted, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently.
It also lays down the cases in which and the conditions under which the fund rules may provide for the redemption of units or debt securities to be capped on a provisional basis when exceptional circumstances so require and if the interests of unit-holders or the public so dictate.