I. – The sums referred to in article L. 221-5 are centralised by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations in a fund managed by it and known as the savings fund.
II. – Caisse des dépôts et consignations, with the agreement of its supervisory board and the authorisation of the Minister for the Economy, may issue debt securities for the benefit of the fund. Under the same conditions, Caisse des dépôts et consignations may lend to this fund.
III. – The sums centralised in application of article L. 221-5 and, where applicable, the proceeds of the debt securities and loans mentioned in II of this article are used first and foremost to finance social housing. Part of the sums may be used for the acquisition and management of financial instruments defined in article L. 211-1.
IV. – The uses of the savings fund are determined by the Minister for the Economy. The Supervisory Board of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations presents to Parliament the table of resources and uses of the savings fund referred to in this article for the year just ended.
V. – The State guarantee for sums deposited by savers in passbook savings accounts whose deposits are centralised in the savings fund and the guarantee for claims on the savings fund held by institutions distributing these passbook savings accounts are governed by article 120 of the 2008 rectifying finance act no. 2008-1443 of 30 December 2008.