A sports agent may only act on behalf of one of the parties to the contracts mentioned in Article L. 222-7.
The written contract pursuant to which the sports agent performs the activity of bringing together the parties interested in the conclusion of one of the contracts mentioned in article L. 222-7 specifies :
1° The amount of the sports agent’s remuneration, which may not exceed 10% of the amount of the contract concluded by the parties he has put in contact ;
2° The party to one of the contracts mentioned in Article L. 222-7 who remunerates the sports agent.
When several sports agents are involved in the conclusion of a contract mentioned in Article L. 222-7, the total amount of their remuneration may not exceed 10% of the value of the contract.
By way of derogation from 1° and the fifth paragraph, the delegating federations may set the remuneration of the sports agent(s) at less than 10% of the contract concluded by the parties involved.
The amount of the sports agent’s remuneration may, by agreement between the sports agent and the parties to the contracts mentioned in article L. 222-7, be paid in whole or in part by the athlete’s or trainer’s co-contracting party. The sports agent shall release the athlete’s or trainer’s co-contracting party from payment.
Any agreement contrary to this article is deemed null and void.