Under the delegation of powers granted to them, the delegating federations and, where applicable, the professional leagues that they have set up ensure that the contracts referred to in articles L. 222-7 and L. 222-17 protect the interests of the athletes, trainers and discipline concerned and comply with articles L. 222-7 to L. 222-17.To this end, they lay down rules relating to:
1° Communication of the contracts mentioned in article L. 222-7 and those mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 222-17 ;
2° Prohibiting their licence holders and their affiliated associations and companies from using the services of a person carrying out the activity mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 222-7 who does not hold a sports agent’s licence within the meaning of the same article;
3° Payment of the sports agent’s remuneration, which may only be made once the contract referred to in the second paragraph of article L. 222-17 has been sent to the relevant delegating federation.