No person may hold the position of de jure or de facto director or manager of an agency, company, association or establishment benefiting from or applying for the authorisation provided for in article L. 2223-23:
1° If they have been convicted by a final judgment of a suspended or unsuspended prison sentence, listed in bulletin no. 2 of the criminal record, for a crime or one of the following offences:
– illegal exercise of a professional or social activity to which access is regulated;
– active or passive corruption or influence peddling;
– act of intimidation against a person exercising a public function ;
– fraud;
– breach of trust;
– violation of a burial site or breach of respect due to the dead;
– theft;
– indecent assault or sexual assault;
– concealment;
– intentional assault and battery ;
2° If he or she has been convicted of a crime or one of the offences mentioned in 1° of this article by a foreign court that has become res judicata constituting, according to French law, a conviction for a crime or one of the offences mentioned in 1° of this article; the criminal court of the place of residence of the convicted person or, if he is not resident in France, of the place where he applied for authorisation, hearing the case by petition, shall assess the legality and regularity of this decision and shall rule in chambers, with the interested party duly summoned, on the application in France of the prohibition;
3° If he has been subject to personal bankruptcy or another sanction pursuant to the Chapter V or Chapter VI of Title II of Book VI of the French Commercial Code, or, in the system prior to these provisions, pursuant to Title II of the loi n° 67-563 du 13 juillet 1967 sur le règlement judiciaire, la liquidation des biens, la faillite personnelle et les banqueroutes, ou s’il a été déclaré en état de faillite par une juridiction étrangère quand le jugement déclaratif a été déclaré exécutoire en France, et s’il n’a pas été réhabilité.