A consultative commission is created between any union exercising the competence mentioned in the second paragraph of IV of article L. 2224-31 and all the public establishments for intercommunal cooperation with their own tax status that are totally or partially included in the union’s perimeter. This commission coordinates the action of its members in the field of energy, brings their investment policies into line and facilitates the exchange of data.
The commission comprises an equal number of delegates from the syndicate and representatives from the public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation. Each of these establishments has at least one representative.
It is chaired by the president of the syndicate or his representative and meets at least once a year, at the initiative of its president or at least half of its members.
A member of the consultative commission, appointed from among the representatives of the public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation, is associated with the representation of the syndicate at the departmental conference mentioned in the third paragraph of I of the same article L. 2224-31.
After the commission has been set up, the syndicate may, at the request and on behalf of one or more public establishments for intercommunal cooperation with their own tax status that are members, ensure the preparation of the territorial climate-air-energy plan mentioned in article L. 229-26 of the French Environment Code, as well as energy efficiency initiatives.