I.-Rights accrued under the retirement savings plan may, at the request of the holder, be liquidated or redeemed before the due date referred to in article L. 224-1 in the following cases only:
1° The death of the holder’s spouse or their partner in a civil solidarity pact;
2° The disability of the holder, their children, their spouse or their partner in a civil solidarity pact. This disability is assessed within the meaning of 2° and 3° of article L. 341-4 of the French Social Security Code ;
3° If the holder is over-indebted, within the meaning of article L. 711-1 of the French Consumer Code ;
4° The expiry of the beneficiary’s unemployment insurance rights, or the fact that the beneficiary of a plan who has been a director, member of the management board or member of the supervisory board and has not settled his pension in a compulsory old age insurance scheme has not held an employment contract or a corporate office for at least two years from the date of non-renewal of his corporate office or his dismissal;
5° The holder ceases to be self-employed following a court-ordered liquidation under Title IV of Book VI of the French Commercial Code, or any situation justifying such withdrawal or buyout, in the opinion of the President of the Commercial Court with which a conciliation procedure referred to in Article L. 611-4 of the same code, who makes the request with the agreement of the holder;
6° The allocation of the sums saved to the acquisition of the principal residence. The rights corresponding to the sums mentioned in 3° of article L. 224-2 of this code may not be liquidated or redeemed for this reason.
II – If the holder dies before the maturity date mentioned in article L. 224-1 of this code, the plan will be closed.