Where the capital increase, whether by issuing new equity securities or by increasing the nominal amount of existing equity securities, is carried out by capitalising reserves, profits or share premiums, the General Meeting, notwithstanding the provisions of Article L. 225-96, shall decide under the quorum and majority conditions provided for in Article L. 225-98. In this case, it may decide that fractional rights are neither negotiable nor transferable and that the corresponding shares are sold. The sale of the equity securities that could not be allocated individually and corresponding to the rights forming fractional shares, as well as the distribution of the sums from this sale to the holders of the rights, shall take place within a period set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
A capital increase by increasing the nominal amount of the equity securities, other than in the cases provided for in the previous paragraph, shall only be decided with the unanimous consent of the shareholders.