I.-Options may be granted, under the same conditions as in Articles L. 225-177 to L. 225-179 above:
1° Either for the benefit of members of the salaried personnel of companies or economic interest groupings at least 10% of whose capital or voting rights are held, directly or indirectly, by the company granting the options;
2° Or for the benefit of members of the salaried personnel of companies or economic interest groupings holding, directly or indirectly, at least 10% of the capital or voting rights of the company granting the options;
3° Or for the benefit of employees of companies or economic interest groupings at least 50% of whose capital or voting rights are held, directly or indirectly, by a company which itself holds, directly or indirectly, at least 50% of the capital of the company granting the options.
II.-The Ordinary General Meeting of the company that directly or indirectly majority controls the company granting the options is informed in accordance with the conditions set out in Article L. 225-184.
III.-Options may also be granted under the same conditions as in articles L. 225-177 to L. 225-179 by an undertaking controlled, directly or indirectly, exclusively or jointly, by a central body, central bodies or credit institutions or finance companies affiliated to it or to them within the meaning of articles L. 511-30 to L. 511-32 of the Monetary and Financial Code, to the employees of the said companies as well as to those of entities whose capital is more than 50% owned, directly or indirectly, exclusively or jointly, by this central body, these central bodies or affiliated institutions or companies.