If the company called upon to issue the equity securities is absorbed by another company or merges with one or more other companies to form a new company, or carries out a demerger, the holders of securities giving access to the capital shall exercise their rights in the company or companies receiving the contributions. Article L. 228-65 is not applicable, unless otherwise stipulated in the issue contract.
The number of shares in the capital of the acquiring or new company or companies to which they are entitled is determined by adjusting the number of shares that it is intended to issue or allocate in the issue contract according to the number of shares to be created by the company or companies receiving the contributions. The contributions auditor issues an opinion on the number of shares thus determined.
The approval of the draft terms of merger or demerger by the shareholders of the company or companies receiving the contributions or of the new company or companies entails the waiver by the shareholders and, where applicable, by the holders of investment certificates of these companies, of the pre-emptive subscription right referred to in Article L. 228-35 or, in the second paragraph of Article L. 228-92, in favour of holders of securities giving deferred access to the capital.
The company or companies benefiting from the contributions or the new company or companies are automatically substituted for the issuing company in its obligations towards the holders of the said securities.