The holders of securities giving future access to the capital after detachment, where applicable, of the rights of the original security pursuant to this section shall be grouped ipso jure, for the defence of their common interests, in a body which shall have civil personality and shall be subject to provisions identical to those provided for, in respect of bonds, by Articles L. 228-47 to L. 228-64, L. 228-66 and L. 228-90. Where applicable, a separate pool is formed for each type of security giving the same rights.
The general meetings of the holders of these securities are called to authorise any amendments to the contract of issue and to rule on any decision affecting the conditions of subscription or allotment of equity securities determined at the time of issue.
Each security giving access to the capital entitles the holder to one vote. The quorum and majority conditions are those determined in the second and third paragraphs of Article L. 225-96.
Meeting expenses and, in general, all expenses relating to the operation of the various bodies shall be borne by the company called upon to issue or allot new securities representing its share capital.
Where the securities issued pursuant to this section are bonds intended to be converted or redeemed for equity securities or exchanged for equity securities, the provisions of the second, third and fourth paragraphs of this article shall apply to the pool created pursuant to Article L. 228-46.