For each electoral college, the lists referred to in article L. 2314-29 which include several candidates are made up of a number of women and men corresponding to the proportion of women and men registered on the electoral list. The lists are made up alternately of one candidate of each sex until the number of candidates of one sex is exhausted.
When the application of the first paragraph does not result in a whole number of candidates to be designated for each of the two sexes, the following arithmetical rounding is applied:
1° Rounding up to the nearest whole number if the decimal is greater than or equal to 5;
2° Rounding down to the nearest whole number if the decimal is strictly less than 5.
In the event of an uneven number of seats to be filled and strict equality between men and women on the electoral roll, the list includes one additional man or woman.
Where the application of these rules results in the total exclusion of the representation of either sex, the lists of candidates may include a candidate of the sex that would otherwise not be represented. This candidate may not be in the first position on the list.
This article applies to the list of full members of the Social and Economic Committee and to the list of its alternate members.