The Sanctions Committee of the French Anti-Doping Agency comprises ten members appointed by decree:
1° Four members of the administrative and judicial courts:
a) Two members of the Conseil d’Etat, including at least one Conseiller d’Etat, appointed by the Vice-President of the Conseil d’Etat;
b) Two magistrates from the Cour de cassation, including at least one Conseiller, appointed by the First President of the Cour de cassation;
2° Four leading figures in the fields of pharmacology, toxicology and sports medicine appointed respectively:
a) By the President of the French National Academy of Medicine, in the case of two of them;
b) By the President of the French National Academy of Pharmacy, in the case of the other two;
3° Two persons appointed respectively by the President of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee and the President of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee for their experience in the fight against doping or their legal or sports expertise.
The members appointed under a of 1°, b of 1°, a of 2°, b of 2° and 3° respectively comprise an equal number of men and women.
No person involved in the management or activities of an international federation, a national federation, an organisation responsible for major events, a national Olympic committee, a national Paralympic committee, the Agence nationale du sport, the Ministère chargé des sports or one of its establishments may be appointed as a member of the Sanctions Committee.
The duties of a member of the Enforcement Committee are incompatible with those of a member of the College.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively Conseiller d’Etat and Conseiller à la Cour de Cassation, are appointed by decree, for the duration of their term of office, from among the persons mentioned in a and b of 1°.
The term of office of the members of the Enforcement Committee is four years. They may be reappointed once, subject to compliance with the gender parity requirements set out in this article. It is not interrupted by any rules concerning age limits that may apply to the persons concerned. Members may not be more than seventy-one years old on the day of their appointment or reappointment.
Half of the members of the Agency’s Enforcement Committee are replaced every two years. Regardless of the date of their appointment, the term of office of members expires on the date of renewal of the half in respect of which they were appointed.
If a member’s seat on the Enforcement Committee falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, he or she is replaced for the remainder of the term of office, in compliance with the parity rules mentioned in the previous paragraph.