The annual proceeds of the municipal tax are allocated, subject to the provisions of the first paragraph of article L. 2333-52 :
1° A des interventions favorisant le développement agricole et forestier en montagne ;
2° Aux dépenses d’équipement, de services, de promotion et de formation induites par le développement du tourisme en montagne et les besoins des divers types de clientèle ainsi qu’à l’amélioration des accès ferroviaires et routiers ;
3° Aux dépenses de développement d’un tourisme d’initiative locale en montagne et des activités qui y contribuent ;
4° To expenses incurred by local ski clubs for the technical training of their young members;
5° To the financing of actions for the prevention of accidents in the mountains carried out by organisations with competence in this area, and in particular by mountain rescue companies;
6° To expenditure on equipment and tourist development of forest areas presenting one of the guarantees of sustainable management mentioned in articles L124-1 to L124-4 of the new Forestry Code;
7° Protection works against natural soil erosion, avalanche prevention or forest fire defence which are the responsibility of the municipality pursuant to 5° of Article L. 2212-2.