Where the division is to be carried out by contributions to new companies, each of the new companies may be formed without any contribution other than that of the divided company.
In this case, and if the shares of each of the new companies are allocated to the shareholders of the company being divided in proportion to their rights in the capital of that company, the report referred to in Article L. 236-10 need not be drawn up, nor, where applicable, the report referred to in I of Article L. 236-9.
Where the new companies are joint-stock companies, the report referred to in I of Article L. 236-9 may be drawn up.
Where the new companies are limited liability companies, the members of the companies which are disappearing may act as of right as founders of the new companies and the procedure shall be in accordance with the provisions governing limited liability companies.
In all cases, where the new companies are limited liability companies, the members of the disappearing companies may act as of right as founders of the new companies and the procedure shall be in accordance with the provisions governing limited liability companies.
In all cases, where the new companies are joint stock companies, the draft articles of association of the new companies are approved by the extraordinary general meeting of the company being divided. There is no need for the operation to be approved by the general meeting of each of the new companies.