I. – The budget for the section, which constitutes an annexed budget of the municipality, is drawn up in real balance in the operating and investment sections.
The draft budget is drawn up by the syndicate commission and submitted to the municipal council for adoption. The municipal council may adopt amendments to the draft presented; before their final adoption, these are submitted to the syndicate commission for its opinion. In the absence of a decision by the union committee within a period of one month, the opinion is deemed to be favourable.
However, when the union committee has not been set up, no annexed budget is drawn up for the section from the following financial year. The balances appearing at the end of the financial year in the section’s annexed budget are included in the commune’s budget the following year.
The municipal council then draws up a special statement appended to the commune’s budget, in which the section’s expenditure and income are tracked.
II. – The cash income from the assets of the section and, where applicable, the proceeds from the sale thereof appear in the annexed budget or special statement appended relating to the section.
Expenditure for which the commune section is responsible by law and that resulting from the execution of developments approved pursuant to Article L. 212-1 of the Forestry Code is compulsory for the commune section.
III. – The syndicate committee may, on its own initiative or at the request of half of the section’s electors formulated under the conditions laid down by a decree in the Conseil d’Etat, ask the mayor to report on the implementation of the section’s annexed budget and the application of the rules prescribed in Article L. 2411-10.
If the union commission has not been set up, this request is made by half of the electors of the section under the conditions laid down by the decree referred to in the previous paragraph.
Following this examination, the union commission or half of the electors may refer their complaint to the municipal council and the State representative in the department. In the event of disagreement between, on the one hand, the municipal council and, on the other hand, the union commission or half of the electors, a decision is taken by reasoned decree of the representative of the State in the department.
The control procedures provided for the municipal budget in Chapter II of the single title of Book VI of Part One apply to the annexed budget of the section and to the special statement referred to above.
IV. – Decrees shall, where necessary, lay down the detailed rules for the application of this article.