The arrondissement council deliberates on the location and development programme for local facilities, defined as educational, social, cultural, sports and information facilities for local life, as well as green spaces with a surface area of less than one hectare that do not concern all the inhabitants of the municipality or the City of Paris or the inhabitants of several arrondissements, or that do not have a national vocation. Completion of the facilities is subject to a decision by the municipal council or the Paris council taken under the conditions set out in article L. 2511-36.
The arrondissement council manages local facilities, subject to the provisions of article L. 2511-21. To this end, it approves contracts for the occupation of the public domain relating to these facilities, excluding school facilities. When these facilities are built as part of a development operation provided for in the third paragraph of article L. 2511-15, their management comes under the jurisdiction of the arrondissement council once they have been completed.
However, facilities whose management was entrusted to third parties before 5 October 1982 remain under the jurisdiction of the city council or the Paris council, for the duration of the agreement signed with the manager as well as in the event of its renewal by the city council or the Paris council. In addition, certain facilities falling into one of the categories mentioned in the first paragraph may, by virtue of their nature or management arrangements, remain under the jurisdiction of the city council or the Paris council, where this is decided by order of the representative of the State in the département, made after obtaining the opinion of the president of the administrative court.
The Borough Council shall bear the operating expenses, excluding staff and financial expenses, relating to the management of the facilities transferred pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, as well as those relating to the administrative premises, movable property and equipment made available to it for the exercise of its powers.
The Borough Council shall also bear the capital expenditure relating to the facilities referred to above for which the corresponding works and supply contracts may be awarded without prior formalities by virtue of their amount, as well as those required by emergency works in respect of these same facilities within the limit, in either case, of the appropriations made available in the special statement pursuant to article L. 2511-36-1.
By annual framework resolution of the city council or the Paris council, and in the cases and conditions that it determines, the arrondissement council may also be authorised to carry out, within the limit of the appropriations opened in the special statement pursuant to article L. 2511-36-1, capital expenditure relating to facilities other than those referred to above and for which the corresponding works contracts may be awarded without prior formalities due to their amount.